Virtual Assistants
Virtual Assistants
For entrepreneurs with so much on their plate, help from virtual assistants are more than welcome. In fact, they’re even necessary in most times.
Also called “virtual secretaries”, these professionals work offshore and are specifically trained to handle myriads of tasks, from secretarial to web optimization and design. They’re considered an asset in any business workforce, especially when hiring personal secretaries are never possible.
With virtual personal assistants, entrepreneurs can now focus more on making their business grow.
Case Study
An entrepreneur was considering on expanding his business, by putting up another franchise in Texas. But here’s the problem: on top of planning, there are meetings to be made, deadlines to consider, tasks to finish and calls to make.
With the costs of putting up another store in Texas, hiring a secretary is out of the question. They’re too expensive and he needs someone who can write high quality content for his blogs and websites on top of handling the time and task management.
Our virtual assistants were able to do that and a lot more. In addition to making and receiving calls, managing appointments and commitments for the client, and creating high quality content, our virtual assistants have know-how in web optimization, great research and communication skills.
At almost half the cost of hiring an in-house secretary, our team of virtual assistants was able to produce high quality output and take away a huge bulk of work from the entrepreneur. As a result, he was able to concentrate more on the expansion of his business.
Need an extra hand? Give us a try.
Take advantage of our three-day free trial so you can see how our virtual assistants make running a business easy for you.